Inarticulate ramblings of a management consultant

the day to day experiences of a consultant operating in weird and wonderful client situations

Tag Archive for ‘customer relationship management’

Customer experience and deals

Abhay Pande, David Boyd, Paul Siegenthaler and I from The Agile Gorilla collective are joined by David Cox, a business transformation professional with a passion for Customer Experience. For over 15 years, David Cox has worked around Europe, South America and the Middle East helping clients drive revenue growth and customer loyalty.. We talk about who owns customer experience in an organisation, the challenge of keeping an external focus through […]

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Implementing a ‘bottom up’ strategy – part 3

Apologies for the delayed posting…I was at our place in Scotland on holiday and bizarrely, the golf course had more attraction than sitting behind a laptop, trying to find something meaningful to say around this particular challenge! So, for those of you who did not pick up on my previous posts, in the first one of this series, I discussed the typical approach of strategy implementation from a ‘top down’ […]

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